Trigger Point Therapy
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Trigger Point Therapy

A Trigger Point (TrPt) is a hyper irritable spot associated within a taut band of a skeletal muscle that is painful on compression or muscle contraction. This spot usually responds with a referred pain pattern distant from the spot. Very often there are nodules palpable within the muscle often at the size of 2-10mm. They are usually in places where nerves connect the muscle fibers. Trigger points are most common in sedentary persons between 27 and 55 years of age.
It is believed that a variety of factors results in trigger points, including:
- muscle overuse
- mechanical overload
- psychological stress trauma
- lack of exercise
- postural misalignment
- vitamin deficiencies
- sleep disturbance
- joint problems
- stress
- chronic stress on muscle (chronic contraction)
Trigger points can be mildly to extremely painful, depending on where they are. Our skilled staff will help you get rid of them in as little as few therapies. By finding the trigger points and asserting the right amount of pressure on them, our therapist will help the process of oxygenation to the affected tissue and thus trigger the healing processes.